Jean-Philippe Poulnot,Thierry Jeantet

Behind these two seemingly antinomic terms - economics and social - lies a reality that extends throughout the planet, and a veritable body of economic, social and environmental thought. The social and solidarity economy(SSE)accounts for almost 10% of the employement, but also nearly 10% of the world's Gross Domestic Product. It exists in various fields (banks, mutuals,...) in almost all countries of the world. This book, which is the result of the Mont Blanc meetings, collects contributions from all continents, and is peppered with numerous examples that help define and describe the social economy and put forward proposals to improve its efficienceand visibility.
Price:22 € Release date:2007 Number of pages:292 ECLM :DD161
Key words: Cityzenship, Economy, Social and Solidarity Economy, Social Responsibility THE SOCIAL ECONOMY A global alternative Free numeric copy, link to download: